Grants and projects

«Цифровая трансформация и энергетический переход: симбиоз и синергия технологических трендов» (№ 24-28-01796 от 29.12.2023), рук. Ильин И.В. // “Digital transformation and energy transition: symbiosis and synergy of technological trends” (No. 24-28-01796 dated December 29, 2023), Ilyin I.V.

The main trends of the last decade that are radically changing the way countries, regions and the world do business are undoubtedly digital transformation and the energy transition. At first glance, these are phenomena of a completely different nature. The authors of this application propose to look at the nature of their interdependence, analyze the possibilities of coexistence, propose models of mutually beneficial coupling and determine the potential effects of such technological symbiosis. The energy transition requires effective management of energy systems, and this requires information technology support based on the collection and analysis of large amounts of data in real time. Digital transformation of business also requires fundamental changes in business models, models of interaction and cooperation between business entities, information exchange models, enterprise management architecture and IT support. The main areas of digital transformation are remote work, real-time management of technological and business processes, asset performance management, data analytics, cybersecurity, etc. Data processing centers (DPCs) consume at least 3% of all generated electricity, which makes them one of the significant subjects of the energy consumption system and carbon footprint producers. Rational and uninterrupted power supply to data centers in compliance with energy efficiency and environmental friendliness requirements is becoming an important issue. In turn, the following problems of energy enterprises are noted: on the one hand, where to direct excess energy produced, on the other hand, how to provide their own effective IT support in terms of collecting, storing and processing data in order to support decision-making in real time and manage their own energy efficiency. It seems promising to implement a fundamentally new business model, in which energy companies are simultaneously suppliers of data center resources powered by their energy resources, effectively utilizing excess energy produced, both for themselves and for large government and commercial associations and corporations. At the same time, the problem has not yet received the proper response in the scientific research community: there is no described methodological approach to organizing an energy-digital ecosystem based on energy enterprises, offering principles for organizing such ecosystems, their business model, methods for forming their architectures, an approach to identifying and assessing the effects of implementing such ecosystems. The authors of the application see a scientific problem in the absence of described models for the effective interaction of elements of energy and information technology/digital infrastructures that jointly provide information needs and compliance with energy efficiency requirements within the framework of the economy of the 6th technological order. The purpose of this research is to develop a methodological approach to organizing cost-effective interaction between elements of the energy and digital infrastructures of socio-economic systems (enterprises, industries, regions) based on the architecture model of energy-digital ecosystems. The scientific significance of the problem solved in this project is seen in the proposal of theoretical and methodological foundations for the design and modeling of ecosystem architectures that combine the requirements and capabilities of modern energy systems and digital technologies, which are currently missing in domestic and world practice.


«Моделирование цифровой и логистической инфраструктуры в интересах устойчивого развития Арктики» (№ 23-78-10190 от 14.08.2023), рук. Дубгорн А.С. // “Modeling of digital and logistics infrastructure in the interests of sustainable development of the Arctic” (No. 23-78-10190 dated 08/14/2023), Dubgorn A.S.

The socio-economic development of the Arctic zone has become the object of close attention of both government agencies and the research community. Recently, a number of regulatory documents have been adopted in Russia, the main purpose of which was to regulate certain aspects of the political, industrial, economic and social development of these territories. The concept of sustainable development implies the harmonious development of three areas: economics, ecology and social sphere. At the same time, sustainable development will be such development of these components, which does not occur to the detriment of any of them and not at the expense of one of them, either at the moment or in the future. Thus, sustainable development of the Arctic zone requires an effective balance between economic growth, environmental protection and social relations. Existing Arctic development projects are often characterized by a single criterion for decision-making - economic growth at the expense of other components. Currently, there is a lack of scientifically based approaches to the issues of integrated sustainable development of macroregions based on the development of its key subsystems. This approach should take into account the main significant factors of the region’s development (economics, social factor, ecology, legal framework, international cooperation, innovation, resource potential, etc.) and, in accordance with the identified factors, allow the formation of models of key subsystems capable of ensuring the sustainable development of the region. In this project, two subsystems are considered as key subsystems that ensure communication between elements of the Arctic region - logistics and digital infrastructure. They, in fact, play the role of the circulatory and nervous systems of the region: the first provides the ability to move material resources, the second – the transmission and processing of data and information. It is impossible to ensure sustainable development of the Arctic zone without an established transport system in the region. The transport and logistics infrastructure of the region is one of the key factors in the economic, social and environmental efficiency of Arctic development, since it determines the fundamental feasibility, accessibility and cost of development. Modern information and digital technologies provide unique, previously unavailable opportunities for collecting, processing, analyzing, transmitting data and, most importantly, for managing socio-economic systems based on data. This allows humanity to make significant progress in the development of such a complex region as the Arctic. The task of developing a methodological basis for the sustainable development of the Arctic, based on approaches to the development of its logistics and digital infrastructures as key subsystems of communication in the region, seems urgent. The conceptual framework being developed should be a set of methods and models that describe the architecture for managing sustainable development in the region and the architecture for managing its individual areas. As part of the project, it is planned to create a conceptual model of sustainable development of the Arctic, taking into account the essential factors of such development, and then propose methods and models for the formation of logistics and digital infrastructures to ensure the development of the region. As a result, it is expected to obtain a reference solution that can be adapted to solve the problems of sustainable development of other macroregions of the world. At the moment, there is no such comprehensive approach that would allow the effective implementation of the region’s development program, based on taking into account the sometimes conflicting requirements of social, environmental and economic efficiency and taking into account the opportunities provided by transport and logistics systems on the one hand and information, communication and digital technologies on the other.