CIRETEC-GT Laboratory at the A.S. Nekrasov Energy Seminar, Institute of Economic Forecasting, RAS

11 Апреля 2023
CIRETEC-GT Laboratory at the A.S. Nekrasov Energy Seminar, Institute of Economic Forecasting, RAS

The delegation of the laboratory "Interdisciplinary Research and Education on Technological and Economic Challenges of Energy Transition (CIRETEC-GT)" headed by the leading scientist Prof. Tessaleno Devezas visited the "A.S. Nekrasov Energy Seminar" in April 2023. The laboratory was also represented by the head of the laboratory Prof. I.V. Ilyin and leading researcher A.I. Sarygulov.

"A.S. Nekrasov Energy Seminar" is a permanent open seminar, which has been held on the basis of the Institute of National Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) since 1999. The purpose of the seminar is free scientific discussion of a wide range of topical economic problems of the energy complex of Russia, CIS countries, other countries and the world as a whole. This time the theme of the seminar was formulated in accordance with the topic of the keynote speech, which was made by Prof. T. Devezas on behalf of the Laboratory - "The pace of the green transitions; the forces acting upon and probable scenarios". The CIRETEC-GT Laboratory has been cooperating with the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences for many years. Thus, the representatives of the host country participated in the international conference on energy transition organized by the Laboratory in 2022 and have already exchanged ideas on the pace and limitations of this global process.

Prof. T. Devezas explained that concerns about climate change have been a hot topic in current discussions on sustainable development. Despite more than thirty years of international meetings by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and the UN Climate Change Conferences (COPs), the share of fossil fuel-based energy sources has hardly changed, and the expected green energy transition to carbon-free energy shows a very slow rate of change. This slow rate of adoption of so-called green energy sources is a consequence of a particular set of highly interrelated forces. This complex set of forces is addressed in the Lab's work from three perspectives: socio-psychological, political-strategic and technical.

The discussion after the report of the leading scientist of the Laboratory aroused no less interest. Colleagues asked their questions, expressed their opinions and stated the complexity, multifactor and ambiguity of such phenomenon as energy transition.

The full speech of Professor T. Devezas can be found on the official website of the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences via the link.