Velmozhina Ksenia Alekseevna with the report ‘Obtaining biogas and biohydrogen from organic waste’.
Derdi Ekaterina Alexandrovna with the report ‘Project management in the field of renewable energy sources’.
Kalyazina Sofia Evgenievna with the report ‘Multi-agent system in the IT-architecture of project portfolio management of an energy company’.
Trifonova Nina Viktorovna with the report ‘Navigating the technological and economic challenges of energy transition’.
Shemyakina Alexandra Alexandrovna with the report ‘Development of the Internet of Energy Architecture for the Micro-grid Local Intelligent Network’.
Polina Sergeevna Shinkevich with the report ‘Application of microalgae to reduce the anthropogenic load on the environment’.
As part of the forum, young scientists attended plenary sessions and lectures by leading scientists, got acquainted with the research of various universities and laboratories created under the Megagrant programme from all over the country, and also discovered a beautiful city on the Volga - Samara.