Fig. 1. Technological scheme of using microalgae for cleaning flue gases and further obtaining biohydrogen, where 1 is production, 2 is a pipe for cooling and feeding emissions, 3 is a biopond with microalgae, 4 is a sprayer, 5 is a drain, 6 is an OBM, 7 are bioreactors, 8 is a controller for ensuring dark fermentation conditions, 9 is biohydrogen, 10 is the use of H2 in production, 11 is the use of H2 in hydrogen fuel cells, 12 is the use of H2 as a biofuel for cars
Some research results in this area formed the basis for the master's thesis of laboratory analyst Ksenia Velmozhina, "Improving the technology of anaerobic fermentation of organic waste for energy purposes", which was successfully defended in 2023. But the development will continue: Ksenia continues to improve technologies in this area in graduate school.
Based on the results of the research in this area, the following scientific articles were published in highly rated journals:
1. Velmozhina, K.; Shinkevich, P.; Zhazhkov, V.; Politaeva, N.; Korablev, V.; Vladimirov, I.; Morales, T.C. Production of Biohydrogen from Microalgae Biomass after Wastewater Treatment and Air Purification from CO2. Processes 2023, 11, 2978. (Scopus, WoS – Q1)
2. Velmozhina K.A., Politaeva N.A., Ilin I.V., Shinkevich P.S. Review of modern strategies for the development of hydrogen bioenergy as key areas for achieving sustainable development goals // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2024, 419, No. 2 (Scopus, WoS – Q1) 3. V.V. Zhazhkov, N.A. Politaeva, K.A. Velmozhina, P.S. Shinkevich, B. Kh Norov. Production of biogas from organic waste at landfills by anaerobic digestion and its further conversion into biohydrogen // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. - 2024. - Volume 70. - P. 779-785 (Scopus, WoS – Q1)
4. Velmozhina K. A., Politaeva N. A., Ilyin I. V., Shinkevich P. S. Review of modern strategies for the development of hydrogen bioenergy as key areas for achieving sustainable development goals // Alternative Energy and Ecology (ISJAEE), 01 (418) 2024, P. 12- 16. (HAC, K1)
5. Obtaining biogas from organic waste at landfills by anaerobic digestion and its further conversion into biohydrogen / V. V. Zhazhkov, N. A. Politaeva, K. A. Velmozhina [et al.] // International scientific journal Alternative Energy and Ecology. – 2023. – No. 11 (416). – P. 99-113. – DOI 10.15518/isjaee.2023.11.099-113. (VAK, K1)