Figure 1 - Method for producing biodiesel fuel from microalgae biomass
Reducing the cost of biodiesel production is planned through the use of the method of esterification of microalgae biomass after air purification from CO2 and industrial wastewater treatment. The scientific team plans to develop a method for cleaning industrial CO2 emissions with the biomass of microalgae of the genus Chlorella.
To clean the air from CO2 in confined spaces, a photobioreactor - a biofilter (Figure 3) was developed, where a suspension of microalgae is used as a filter material. Suspension of microalgae of the genus Chlorella purifies the air in the room, processing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. At the same time, the photobiorector has an aesthetic appearance, does not take up much space and can be used in any closed space, for example, in an office, a classroom, and even in a small production room.
Figure 2 - Laboratory photobiorector "CASCADE", for air purification
To reduce the negative impact of CO2 emissions and other anthropogenic factors, our research team has also developed methods for the biological treatment of wastewater and soils with biomass.
For wastewater treatment, microalgae biomass was used (Figure 3), followed by the use of waste biomass as an additional energy source.
Figure 3 - Biomass of microalgae Chlorella kessleri (C. Kessleri): a - general view, b - cells and surface microstructure
Such an energy source will reduce the carbon footprint due to two factors: 1 - replacement of traditional energy sources with a more environmentally friendly source; 2 - by minimizing emissions of harmful substances into the environment. The results of this study are published in the article: Politaeva, N.A., Illin, I.V., Oparina, A.M., Donetskova, A.S. New energy approaches to the use of waste biosorbents of microalgae Chlorella kessleri // Povolzhskii Ekologicheskii Zhurnal, 2022, 2022(3), pp. 322–335, (WOS, Scopus), which shows:
1 - the use of biomass of microalgae C. kessleri for wastewater treatment of industrial enterprises is appropriate, in view of the high percentage of purification efficiency for copper ions - 87%.
2 - as a result of thermogravimetric analysis, it was found that during the decomposition of C. kessleri biomass after purification of the model water solution, in the temperature range of 335 - 500 °C, a strong exothermic effect occurs with a maximum of 500 °C, which allows us to give recommendations for its use as a source energy. Thermogravimetric analysis also made it possible to draw a conclusion about the content of extracted copper in the biomass of C. kessleri.
3 – it was found that the specific heat of combustion of the residual biomass of C. kessleri was 21,674 kJ/kg, which is not inferior to the specific heat of combustion of classical fuels.
Plant biomass (phytoremediants) was used for soil cleanup, which showed a high ability to extract pollutants. The results of this study are published in Ilinskiy, A.; Vinogradov, D.; Politaeva, N.; Badenko, V.; Ilin, I. Features of the Phytoremediation by Agricultural Crops of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils. Agronomy 2023, 13, 127. (WoS, Q1), in which: