Young scientists at the forum and conference “Science of the Future – Science of the Young.”

23 Сентября 2023
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From September 20 to 23, 2023 the laboratory delegation visited the V International Scientific Conference and VIII All-Russian Youth Scientific Forum "Science of the Future - Science of the Young", held this year in the city of Oryol - the literary capital of Russia.

Members of the laboratory "Interdisciplinary Research and Education on Technological and Economic Challenges of Energy Transition (CIRETEC-GT)" participated in the conference activities:
- Devezas Campos Tessaleno, lead scientist of the laboratory 
- Borremans Alexandra, Ph.D., researcher
- Kalyazina Sofia, analyst
- Trifonova Nina, analyst
- Polina Shinkevich, analyst
- Ksenia Velmozhina, Analyst

The team presented a series of reports at different sections of the conference. In the section "Man and Society" a report on "Technological forecasting: What is and what for?" was presented by Devezas Campos Tessaleno (online).
The Ecology and Climate section presented a paper on "Investment Needs of the Low Carbon Economy", by Borremans Alexandra Dirkova.
Poster papers were also presented within the section "Transportation Systems, Engineering and Energy":
- "Key problems of transition to green technologies", authors - Shinkevich Polina Sergeevna, Velmozhina Ksenia Alekseevna
- "Investment needs of the low-carbon economy", authors - Borremans Alexandra Dirkova, Kalyazina Sofia Evgenievna
- "Intelligent energy systems (Smart Grid): solution architecture", author - Trifonova Nina Viktorovna


As part of the forum, the team of young scientists participated in plenary sessions, events and master classes.  The laboratory staff listened to the reports of the world's leading scientists and young specialists and established contacts for further activities.