The laboratory holds an international seminar “Materials for a low-carbon economy” in Yerevan

5 Июля 2024
The laboratory holds an international seminar “Materials for a low-carbon economy” in Yerevan

The scientific team of the CIRETEC-GT laboratory, within the framework of the implementation of the tasks of the 2024 work plan of the mega-grant “Technological challenges and socio-economic transformation in the context of energy transition” (Agreement No. 075-15-2022-1136 dated 01.07.2022), organized and held an international seminar “Materials for a low-carbon economy” in Yerevan.

In July 2024, a delegation of the CIRETEC-GT laboratory, consisting of the head of the laboratory, Doctor of Sciences (Econ.), prof. Igor Vasilievich ILYIN, senior researcher, Doctor of Sciences (Econ.), Assoc. Prof. Anastasia Ivanovna LEVINA, senior researcher, Cand. Sc. (Econ.) Alisa Sergeevna DUBGORN, researcher, Cand. Sc. (Econ.) Alexandra Dirkovna BORREMANS visited the Russian-Armenian University (RAU). As part of the visit, the laboratory staff took part in a joint international seminar "Materials for a Low-Carbon Economy". Together with colleagues from RAU, representatives of the Department of Mathematical Methods and Information Technologies in Economics and Business, the prospects for conducting research on Russia's energy exports were discussed, and a number of research works are planned to study the role of digital technologies in energy systems. RAU researchers Tavadyan A.A. and Tavadyan A.A.-Jr. are actively involved in the issues of mathematical modeling and forecasting of energy supply processes. Colleagues from RAU shared the results of their calculations, including forecasts for the energy systems of the Russian Federation.
In addition to participating in the international seminar, the laboratory staff were invited to a meeting with the Rector of RAU - SANDAYAN Edward Martinovich.

As a result of the interaction, colleagues from RAU submitted 2 chapters to a monograph published based on the results of the mega-grant implementation by Springer “Digital Systems and Information Technologies in the Energy Sector” edited by the head of the laboratory Ilyin I.V.
"We hope that this meeting will mark the beginning of long-term and successful interaction between our universities in the framework of the most important direction for the development of our countries," said Edward Martinovich, highlighting the special significance of including in the SPbPU-RAU roadmap cooperation in the direction of mathematical methods and information technologies in energy, both in scientific and educational terms.
"I am very glad that by carrying out work on the mega-grant "Technological Challenges and Socio-Economic Transformation in the Context of Energy Transition" we are expanding the international ties of our research team. “Holding a joint international seminar at the Russian-Armenian University allowed us to supplement the research issues under consideration with the experience and competencies of our esteemed colleagues,” summed up the results of the trip, Prof. I.V. Ilyin.